Twisted "Twister"

Before I jump into the game I have to brag on my child a little!  My son is graduating high school with honors; summa cum laude!  We just attended the ceremony and it was incredible.  Who knew that my crazy kid who used to scream off the top of his lungs in supermarkets and try to run away from me in department stores would grow up to be such a responsible, talented, super smart young man.  I'm so proud of him!  What a tough year it's been for me, though, as a mom knowing that my chickadee is ready to leave the nest......sniffle.  I'm grateful, though, that he chose to attend college in state!

Okay, this week my sibling students will be playing "Twister" with a twist.  I adhered musical terms, notes, and Melodic/Harmonic Intervals to the mat with velcro dots; two items per circle.  By adhering two items per circle I can accommodate each sibling's level of instruction.  I then typed out the terms for each color to keep track of what I call out for each student.  Not sure why the picture came out crooked.  No matter how many times I straightened out the paper and adjusted the camaera it came out crooked so there you have it.
I have decided not to use the spinner because that will take WAY too long waiting for the arrow to land on a certain spot so I just typed out Left and Right Hands and Feet, laminated it, and will keep tallies of which body part I call out for each student.  This, I think, will actually provide more variety since the spinner could end up on the same body part four times in a row.  I'm going to set the timer for 10 minutes and see what happens!  I'm hoping the game turns out to be one of my students' favorites.  I'll keep you posted!  Until next time piano blogger signing off!


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