Reinforcing Finger Numbers

This is an activity I use with my younger students to help reinforce finger numbers.  I purchased a few finger puppets at a local teacher store.  For the activity I'll have them place a puppet on each finger one at a time as I call out the finger I want them to place the puppet on.  First, I specify which hand I'd like the child to hold up.  Then I specify the finger number I'd like a certain puppet to go on. When all the puppets are on all five fingers I tell the child to take each puppet off their fingers one at a time based on what finger number I call out OR I ask the child to tell me what finger number a certain puppet is on before removing it.  Example: Please remove the frog?  What finger number was the frog on?  My younger kiddos LOVE this activity!  Until next time, piano blogger signing off.......


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