Developing Rhythm Sense: Blowing Bubbles

Since the weather has warmed up, my students have been blowing bubbles to the metronome beat outside. I bought a bubble pack with all sorts of different bubble wands. Even my older students enjoy this activity. They blow eighth, quarter, half, dotted half, and whole note bubbles. When blowing eighth note bubbles equip your students with one wand in each hand so they can alternate blows. I had one student dunk 5 wands in the bottle and held all five in one hand like a set of cards. This activity takes no more than two minutes of their lesson time but it adds that fun spontaneous element to the lesson. I like to use "Miracle Bubbles" brand bubbles since it coats the wands well and produces good bubbles but you can certainly make your own solution or buy these items at your local dollar store.


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