Autumn Scavenger Hunt (Part 2): A Piano Game

Hi All! I decided to have 2 different types of hunts going on last week. I already posted one of the hunts, now I'll share this one. I especially like this version because there's no resetting of the game between lessons and it goes a lot fast. I purchased a few bags of Autumn decor from Walmart like the ones above but you could probably find these on Amazon. There were 8-10 items per bag. I drew musical terms on each of the items (picture above) and placed sets of them in plastic storage bags. In addition to drawing a term on each of the pieces I wrote down the bag number they belonged to, just in case they were to fall out of their bags and get all mixed up. I wrote down the list of terms from each bag on a piece of paper so that I could quickly decide which term I wanted each of my students to look for from the bags. I also drew the opposite of the terms on other pieces to make sure they really knew their stuff. Look back at the first picture...