Teaching Time Signature: Part I

Hello! Wow, what a month this has been so far. My kiddos had an awesome spring recital, we visited New York (which I absolutely LOVED), and my son graduated from high school! Things are finally starting to settle down but the summer months tend to go at a more relaxed pace than the rest of the year, don't you think? I hope that you have amazing things planned for the next few months; picnics, pool outings, concerts in the park, hikes, etc. Okay, so I have decided to do a series on how I teach time signature to my students, especially my younger ones. I'm not sure yet just how many parts there will be to this so I'm adding "Part 1, Part 2,....." so I can easily refer back to certain entries if needed. The first thing I do when introducing time signature is I have my students look at the numbers stacked above and below each other at the very beginning of their songs. I share with them that this is a HUGE concept in music. That it's th...