Treasure Wheel

Happy New Year! It's been a bit cold here where I live but the sun is shining today so all is well! My son says that the reason why I can relate to and understand kids so well is because I'm a kid at heart. He may be right. As an adult, if I had to choose between a class I was required to sit through for 60 minutes versus a class where I could play games, do hands-on activities, and move around, I know which class I'd pick! That's just the way my brain works. I soak in and retain a lot more information when it's presented to me in a variety of ways and this method of teaching seems to work really well with kids too. Check out this individual, Dr. Howard Gardner and his work on multiple intelligences! I learned about him when I was getting my bachelors degree in education. Some of his theories has made a huge impact on the way I teach. The "Treasure Wheel"! My students LOVED playing this game. It's very much like "Whee...