Understanding Intervals

Hi Everyone! I decided to write a blog on understanding intervals since a good number of my parents have been asking about this concept. We'll start with labeling a few of the piano keys. The musical alphabet consists of 7 letters A-G which repeats itself over and over up and down the piano. So every white note is a letter from A-G. The note with the blue tab will be the starter note which is C. The 2nd note after C (to the right of C) is D. The 3rd note after C is E, etc. Intervals are the distance between two notes. How far one white note is from another. Translating the top example into intervals: E is the 3rd note after C or an interval of a 3rd up from C. G is the 5th note after C or G is an interval of a 5th up from C. Going the other direction: B is the 2nd note down from C (to the left of C) or an interval of a 2nd down from C. G is the 4th note down from C or an interval of a 4th down from C. ...