Update: Candy Cup Throw
Hi All! The Valentine's Day game was a huge success last week! After observing my students of all ages play this game, here are the rules I settled on: -Total game time 5 minutes -Children up to 8 years of age will throw hearts in the first 6 cups -every 2 cups equals one prize sheet sticker -Children older than 8 years of age can throw hearts in all 10 cups -1st 3 cups equals a sticker, next 4 another sticker, and the last 3 one final sticker -They must pitch hearts in sequential order (cup 1, then 2, 3, etc.) -If a heart lands in a cup out of sequence it will count if/when they get to it -Get a heart in the targeted cup, answer the question correctly, move onto the next cup Ideas for questions: -show pictures of musical terms for students to identify -have them roll the dice from my "note rollers" blog and locate notes on the piano -have students solve musical math problems drawn on index cards Ex. (Dotted half note x whole) + half not...