Piano Ninja Warrior!

Happy Holidays to everyone! I have to say that this is one of my crazier metronome activities but my students absolutely LOVE it! I came up with the title based on the show "American Ninja Warrior". The obstacle course itself was inspired by Christie Burnett, editor of www.Childhood101.com who calls her activity Don't Ring the Bells! Obstacle Course, I added a few extra things and took out a few to appeal to my youngest to oldest piano students. I created 4 obstacles. I love Christie's idea of adding bells to each of her obstacles. It makes it so much more fun and challenging not to mention festive. The first obstacle is getting through both hula hoops within 8 metronome beats. I added an extra hoop to mine to make it extra challenging! I think when my kiddos do this next week I'll hang the bells down lower. I decided to wrap the hula hoops in holiday ribbon as an added touch. The second obsta...