Solving the Mystery Behind Middle C

Happy Tuesday! I am looking out from my window at the clearest blue sky and beautiful oak tree branches swaying in the wind....simple pleasures! Have you ever had students ask why there was a line going through middle C? I have. I could simply say that that's the way it is and be done with it but there's no fun in that so I make it into a mystery that the students need to solve. The best way to explain this is in dialogue form with a few pictures thrown in the mix. There's obviously a lot more dialogue happening between myself and the student but I simplified as much as possible here. From beginning to end this mini lesson only takes 5 minutes! The Mystery Behind Middle C Student: Why does middle C have a line through it? Me: Ah! I am so glad you asked that. There is actually a very good and logical reason for it. In order to understand why Middle C has a line through it let's back track a little bit by revisiting the staff. ...